Key Issues

The proposed Highway 29 Bypass will destroy jobs and economic opportunity in Liberty Hill

Economic Development

Many businesses will see up to a 60% decrease in sales if traffic is redirected around Liberty Hill.

Local Jobs

Local jobs in Liberty Hill will disappear as businesses fail.


The bypass diverts $220 million in tax payer money that could be better used to improve access and safety in Liberty Hill.


We are a group of concerned citizens and business owners who want Liberty Hill to be a safe and economic vibrant community.

It took almost 60 years for economic development to return to Liberty Hill after the first highway bypass was created. Let’s work together to stop the county’s proposed bypass and save local businesses and jobs.

Our Response

The proposed Highway 29 bypass doesn't help anyone. Read more on how the county could better allocate the $220+ million to improve safety, create local jobs, and save small businesses.

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